May 3, 2021 0 Comments General

5 Best Trekking Destination in Mumbai

Travelling has become a most loved end-of-the-week distraction for some Mumbaikars. When the end of the week shows up, a considerable lot of them head to the slopes to investigate the beautiful finished mountains situated in and around Mumbai. While some are near the city, some are inside 200 kilometers away. 

The most awesome aspect of climbing or travelling close to Mumbai is that there is a path to suit the journeying expertise level of each individual. While you have a few trips that are simple (where you should simply walk higher up), some require ability and tolerance. Here are the 18 journeying places in Mumbai, arranged by distance

Best Trekking Places in Mumbai

  1. Kalsubai Peak Night Trek

Kalsubai Peak Trek with tallness of 1646 meters and 5400 Feet is renowned as the largest peak in Maharashtra. Kalsubai Mountain lies in the Sahyadri mountain range falling under Kalsubai Harishchandragad wilderness haven. Kalsubai Height being the most elevated height, it orders an outstanding view. Since Bhandardara Dam and Kalsubai Peak is amazingly renowned, enough effort has been made to make this journey easy. There are steel railings, chains, and stepping stools where it is hard to climb. 

Kalsubai Trek Event Details 

  • Kalsubai Trek Difficulty Level Medium 
  • Kalsubai Trek Endurance Level High 
  • Base Village Kalsubai Trek – Bari 
  • District: Igatpuri/Bhandardara 
  • Absolute time needed for climbing Kalsubai Peak 4 hours one way 
  • Term 1 Night 1 Day 
  • Distance of climbing Kalsubai Trek is 5.5 km one way 
  • Kalsubai Peak Height 1646 meters 

Most noteworthy Peak of Maharashtra Kalsubai Peak is 5400 feet. Situated in Kalsubai Harishchandragad Wildlife Sanctuary.

  1. Tikona Fort

A three-sided fortress, the Tikona Fort is situated in Maval, Maharashtra. It favours explorers with an invigorating journeying experience close to Mumbai because of the presence of slanting sides. A few areas are very steep and the traveller is needed to bring down his/her body to stay near the surface. At the point when you arrive at the top, you are invited with a lovely perspective on the Pavana River and diverse different posts like the Visapur and Lohagad twin fortifications. 

All you need to do is go to the Tikona Peth, situated in Kamshet, and afterwards start rising. It will take both of you hours to rise, go through one more hour at the top, and afterwards one more hour to slide. Tikona Fort offers simply the ideal set up for a daring one day journey close to Mumbai and pulls in thrill-seekers from everywhere in the country. 

  1. Tandulwadi 

Tandulwadi is the go-to objective for individuals yearning to go on a storm journey close to Mumbai. When the rainstorm season is at its pinnacle, the Tandulwadi Fort makes a significant experience for adventurers. There are a gazillion trees that don’t allow the travellers to see even 10 feet ahead. Indeed, even the painted markings on the stones are for the most part washed off during the primary storm itself. This spot for journeying close to Mumbai has all the making for an undertaking stuffed ride yet makes for an encounter that is difficult to fail to remember. 

Voyagers arrive at Thane, at that point take a left turn towards Tandulwadi Village and make a stop near the Tandulwadi School. They would then be able to stop in that general area and start their trip. 

  1. Mahuli Fort 

Mahuli Fort is an acclaimed one day journey close to Mumbai. Situated in Thane, the tall fortress is the most noteworthy top in the region. The stronghold is arranged on the highest point of a slope and faces the western segment of the Sahyadri ranges. When you arrive at the stronghold’s apex, you will catch an all-encompassing perspective on the thick, lavish timberland underneath and simply stand and calmly observe each second pass by. 

The highest level on the post is made of three mountains. The stronghold falls under the locale of Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary. Your absolute journeying time here will associate with 3 hours to arrive at the top. 

  1. Naneghat 

Arranged in the Western Ghats, Naneghat is a serene mountain pass. Satvahannahs utilized it as a shipping lane. Naneghat journey is perhaps the best trip close to Mumbai particularly for voyagers who need to jump profoundly into the historical backdrop of Maharashtra. You need to stroll on the tough path when you set out to find the untainted patches of nature during this trip. With Naneghat journey, you get the chance to travel in old locales that describe captivating stories of history.

All the treks mentioned above are great trekking places. So, overcome all the reasons, put on your hiking shoes and go on an exploration 
