July 12, 2022 0 Comments Education

How to Calculate GMAT Score

GMAT or the Graduate Management Admission Test is a computer-based standardised  adaptive test, meant to assess the verbal, https://instagram.com/chutney.with.my.bruschetta?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=, quantitative and English reading skills ohttps://instagram.com/chutney.with.my.bruschetta?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= candidates looking to gain admission to business schools across the world. Over 2300 schools globally accept GMAT partially or fully as admission criteria. The GMAT exam can be taken 5 times a year, at least 16 days apart. The maximum number of attempts allowed for a candidate overall is 8. The cost of the exam is $250. Your GMAT result will be informed to you within 5 to 20 days from taking the exam.

What is an Adaptive Test and Why is GMAT Adaptive?

An adaptive test is where the standard of questions gets harder the more you answer correctly and vice-versa. For example, if you answer 5 questions correctly, the 6th question you will encounter is going to be of a higher standard than the last 5. Similarly, if you answer 5 questions incorrectly, the next question will be easier. Adaptive testing is meant to identify someone’s true potential. GMAT hopes to identify the exact level of aptitude in each candidate, hence this approach.

GMAT Exam Structure And Score Calculation

GMAT tries to assess the most basic yet important skills a person can possess. To do that, it has divided the test into 4 parts –

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment – This is a 30-minute-long test and has one question. You are required to write an argument essay, i.e. one needs to analyse an argument. The paper is scored by a machine algorithm and a professional essay rater. The average of the two scores is your final score. The paper is scored between 0 and 6 points, at 0.5 intervals.
  2. Integrated Reasoning – For this section, there are 12 questions you need to solve in 30 minutes. There can be a few experimental questions which will not factor into your scores. However, since there is no way to tell which questions count and which do not, you must put your best foot forward for all of them. Some questions have multiple parts, and you will score only if you answer them all correctly. The paper is scored on a scale of 0 to 8, at 1 interval.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning – These are mostly Data Sufficiency and Problem-Solving questions, and you need to solve 31 questions in 62 minutes. The point table is from 6 to 51 at 1 point intervals. Raw scores vary between 200 and 800.
  4. Verbal Reasoning – 36 questions on sentence correction, critical reasoning and reading comprehension needs to be solved in 65 minutes for this section. Yet again, the point table is from 6 to 51 at 1 point intervals and raw scores vary between 200 and 800.

Only quantitative and verbal reasoning counts when it comes to the total scores. Because most candidates find verbal a lot harder to crack than quants, a similar score in both sections will fetch you vastly different percentiles. E.g. 46 points in quants is a 58% percentile whereas for verbal, it is 90%.

The raw scores from each section are compiled into the final score. It ranges from 200 to 800, at an interval of 10. These are then converted into percentile. There is a standard error of measurement of 30-40 points considered. Below is a chart depicting the scores –


If you score above 650, you should be able to get admission in most colleges of your choice. A score of 700 is excellent.

How much they need to score in each section to get a desired total test score. Check here how to calculate GMAT score at https://studyabroad.shiksha.com/gmat-score-calculator-articlepage-2025
